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One post tagged with "microsoft"

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· 3 min read
Matt Ray

Understanding Kubernetes cloud costs can be a challenge that many teams lack the necessary tools and visibility to solve. In response to this challenge, the CNCF launched the OpenCost project with code provided by Kubecost, which provides an open-source Kubernetes cost monitoring standard for the industry. Microsoft is now giving users of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) better cost transparency and contributing to the OpenCost project on behalf of their customers. Without proper cost monitoring tools like OpenCost, teams using Kubernetes may struggle to grasp their expenditures and the factors driving their costs, making it difficult to optimize their infrastructure. By leveraging OpenCost, teams can take their first step towards understanding and improving the efficiency of their Kubernetes cloud spend.

Microsoft Azure

We’re excited to announce that Microsoft has joined the OpenCost community as a contributing partner and is bringing new functionality to both AKS and the OpenCost community. Microsoft’s initial contributions improve their cost reporting and make it easier to export OpenCost data to other reporting platforms.

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